Thursday, October 21, 2010

Manny Where are Yooou?

I got a text from my brother the other day telling me that Alexander hadn't quit asking for me since Adam had gotten home from work. So naturally, like any awesome aunt would do, I quickly sped over there to see my little egg.
As I was playing with Alexander and watching all the insanely cute things he does I couldn't help but think what an amazing little person he is, and he's only 2. In the midst of everything right now, with the death of Hope's dad, he can put a smile on all of our faces instantly.
Ever since he was born I say that now I believe in love at first site. As soon as I held him in my arms and looked at his precious face I fell in love with him. I've never met a person who can make me feel so happy and overjoyed like he does. I look at his sweet face or listen to him say "Manny" and I honestly forget everything that is wrong in my life because he makes it okay.
I could honestly go on and on about my love for Alexander and how truly amazing he is, but we would literally be here for days because he is so FREAKING SPECIAL.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friends of a Lifetime

          Lately, I feel like my world has been spinning out of control. It has been a such a difficult past couple of months for me and my family. I lost my only grandmother whom I loved more than anything in this world. She was suffering from Alzheimer's disease and I felt like I had already lost her a long time ago, but I didn't realize how hard it would still be to physically lose her. She has been gone a couple of weeks now and we have just now found out that two other close family members have leukemia and possibly a renal tumor. I feel like everywhere we turn our family is facing a crisis. From the death of my grandmother, to my two cousins new illnesses, and Hope's dad's diagnosis with cancer. Every time my family gets through one event another one comes along and some days I feel like I can't breathe.
          So needless to say I have been somewhat down lately and I keep wondering why God is starting to take all these people out of my life and my family's lives. However, just when I start to feel sorry for myself He reminds me of the so many truly wonderful things I do have in my life and last night He did just that.
         I was having a difficult time with my boyfriend and we had been in a huge fight. I just couldn't deal with it anymore because I had just received more bad news about my family. After this huge fight in the middle of the night I leave my apartment to go spend the night with mom. As I'm pulling away in my car my 2 roommates and best friends are barreling down the stairs and racing to my car. Both embraced me and just let me sob and listened. We talked for so long and they gave me so many encouraging words and they helped me to remember how truly blessed I am. I honestly don't think many people can say they have as good of friends as I do and God reminded me of that last night. I love them so much and can not imagine my life without them. As my mom always says what Satan meant for evil, God meant for good.